Love has a different meaning to everyone but to me, love is when the least little thing happens, you automatically think of that person. It is when that person brings out the best in you. Love means having strong feelings for someone that can be close friends, family or even someone in romantic relationship. It represents affection toward someone dear to your heart. Love ; loving someone through their flaws and all. Accepting and embracing each others differences and comprising with their offerings. Being in love is the connection u have with someone and feeling the same way they do; we would not have a problem fussing and fighting with them at times because we love them. In a nut shell, I would say that 'love' is not a feeling , but rather a choice. Sure ,we may feel love for someone, but if we are relying on that feeling of romantic love to get you through tough times. it is not going to work. Choosing to lov someone is sticking with them, supporting them. and sacrificing for them whether they always do or not. The feeling of love follows the actions of love. Love is when we would wait forever to be with them, but we would not want to spend one day without them in our life.