Tuesday, May 15, 2012


:: The Nose Flute ::

I) Father - Olu
II) Mother - Tindai
III) Son - Otu

COMMUNITY: Kadazan people

BACKGROUND: Village near mountain and at Olu’s house area.

:: Script ::

Narrator:  The nose flute of the Tuahi originated since the time of our forefathers. It is played by bringing the flute to the nose and gently breathing air into it. The flute then makes a similar sound to that of any flute but still the sound is quite distinctive. The nose flute is played to inform others of the passing away of another. This is the story of how the nose flute came to be.
A long time ago, all our ancestors lived together at the foot of a mountain. They built their homes on higher levels and used the lower levels or valleys to farm. They planted hill rice, onions, vegetables and many others. Over time, the Kadazan race grew populous. There were few lands left for farming and food had become scarce. Very soon, there was no farming land left or even land to build homes.
One day, a family decided to move away and look for their own living. The name of the father in the family was Olu’ and his wife’s name was Tindai. They had only one child, a boy whose name was Otu.
Olu : Tindai…….
Tindai : Yes hubby?
Olu : I decided to move away from this place and look for our own living.
Tindai : Wow hubby, that’s a good idea!
Olu : Hmmmm…tomorrow I will move and by today we must pack our things.
Otu : Mom, are we going out tomorrow?
Tindai : (Smiled ….) Yes, we are going out from this place forever Otu.
**Otu’ was still a very young boy when he moved away with this parent. Olu’ and Tindai found a suitable place to settle down and started cultivating their plot of land for rice and other vegetable plants.**
**They lived in their new home for ten year without ever having gone back for a visit.**
Otu : Dad, Mum….. It had been 10 years we didn’t visit our village. Why don’t we go back and have a visit there.
Tindai : Otu, our village is too far and there are no roads to go there.
Otu : But mom…..
Olu : Not only that, there are head-hunters around the area. It is not safe for us to go there!
Otu :Hmmmmmm……… (Disappointed)
**Time passes…….  Olu and Tindai are getting older.  One day....**
Olu : Otu…….time passed to fast and I’m getting old now. Please take good care of our family after me.
Otu : Dad, I know well my responsibility, don’t worry.
Olu : (coughing….) I’m proud of you my son! (No reaction…)
Tindai and Olu: (crying………….)
**That was the last word. Olu died! With that, life grew lonely for both Tindai and out.**
Tindai : Otu, I also growing older and the time for me to pass away is growing nearer.
Otu : But Mom….who is look for me after that?
Tindai : Otu….you should not be like this. You had grown up! I will teach you how you should manage when you are own later.
Otu : You had put so much trust on me, mom! I promise to do my best in the future even though you are not here anymore.

**As time passes, she began to give final instructions to Otu’. She told him of many things regarding with their culture and also advice on how he should manage when he was on his own later. Not so long after that, Tindai died. Otu’ was to overcome by the grief when he realised that he had now lost both of his parents. He felt completely alone by himself. Otu’ wondered how he could express his sadness over his mother’s death.**
Out : I could not cry to express my sadness because man was not allowed to weep for this. What should I do now?

**Otu’ continued to think about this when he saw a stand of thing bamboo in the area around his house. Suddenly, he had an idea. He took a piece of the bamboo and started to smoothen it. He then made small holes in the bamboo stick. Very soon, the piece of bamboo in his hands turned into a flute.**
**He brought the flute to his nose and breathed out into the holes of the bamboo and a nice tune came out. He adjusted the bamboo carefully breathed out into the holes again. The flute made a plaintive and mournful tune.**
Otu : I can’t stop playing the flute because this is the only way I can express my grief for you, Mother!
**The music from his flute went out from the house and was heard by people in the neighbouring village. They were amazed to hear it because they had never heard any other sound quite like it before. The people from the villages went out from their homes to have a look for the source of the sound. They looked hard for it until they came to the very doorstep of Otu’. There, they saw his mother, Tindai, who was still unburied.**

**From this came the tradition of the Kadazan people, to use the nose flute to convey news that someone has departed from this world.**


         A househusband has to change many of his ideas and his ways. Firstly, he has to change the way he thinks about time. The househusband cannot be in a hurry all the time as in the work.If you  rush around, your children, wife and you will be unhappy, so learn to slow down. Secondly, a househusband must learn to show how you feel about things to avoid wrong ideas and serious problems with the family members. Lastly, doing housework, cooking and cleaning are easiest things to learn compared to change the way househusband thinks which is necessary to have a happy family.

 Trouble in Edinburgh
      Susan and Sam arrived in Edinburgh, the last stop in Scotland. They want to take train to London and the plane to New York. They found a bed and breakfast on a quiet street, Hebrides. Edinburgh was large and noisy; they had dinner in a pub and quickly started to walk home. Suddenly, Sam stopped because he did not feel well and fell over on the street. Susan shouted for help and Sam brought to hospital. It was a severe heart attack and had to stay for 10 days in hospital for some tests. Next day, Susan told Jane and Ted everything. Ted wanted to come there but Susan did not allow her because Jane is coming Edinburgh and there is no one to take care Maria. Ted told his mother, Suzan that Maria getting very large in one month. Actually, Ted did not tell his mother that Maria is not very well and must stay in bed because she had enough to worry.


CAST : Guy Pearce, Maggie Grace and Peter Stormare

CIA agent Snow (Guy Pearce) is captured by Secret Service director Scott Langral (Peter Stormare), , who was investigating a mole that is selling governmental secrets. Snow claims he's innocent, and later directs his friend, Secret Service agent Harry, to find Snow's contact and friend, Mace , and find the location of a briefcase containing the information that Armstrong had acquired about the mole.
Meanwhile, Emilie Warnock (Maggie Grace), daughter of President Warnock ,travels to M.S. One, a maximum security penitentiary in Space, where convicts are kept in suspended animation, to investigate claims that the statis might affect prisoners' minds, leading to psychopathy and dementia, and that they're being experimented on by the government. One of the prisoners, Hydell is awakened so Emilie can interrogate him, but he steals a gun from Emilie's bodyguard Hock  and escapes. Hydell releases all the prisoners and starts a riot, led by his brother Alex
Emilie and her associates are captured, and Alex decides to kill one of them to prove their point. Hydell quickly kills the Warden. Hydell destroys all the ships aboard M.S. One against Alex's orders, preventing the Secret Service from sending a team to rescue the hostages.
Snow guided by Shaw manages to enter the storage room and rescue Emilie. Alex cuts his communication link with Shaw. Hydell prepares to rape Emilie, but Alex stops him. Infuriated, Hydell stabs Alex dead. He returns to Emilie, but Snow stops him, and escapes with Emilie as Hydell and the others chase them. Meanwhile, a bomb is planted on M.S. One. With Shaw's guidance, Snow and Emilie find skydiving suits and jump out of M.S. One as the bomb explodes, killing Hydell and all the others. Emilie thanks him for saving her life and they begin a romantic relationship.

A man wrongly convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage against the U.S. is offered his freedom if he can rescue the president’s daughter from an outer space prison taken over by violent inmates.
** If I was the main character in the movie (Snow, Guy Pearce),  I will save the president’s daughter with the help of a special squad. This is because the prisoner’s in MS 1 was too many and quite dangerous to hand over alone. This method will make Snow’s mission (to save Maggie and his friend Mace) easier n safer! Maybe the MS 1 prison should not be exploded because it will cost billions dollars to remake a prison alike.

Friday, May 4, 2012



Topic              : The food that I like
Topic Sentence      :  The food that I like the most is Indian food.
Supporting Details   :  i) flavour
                                ii) wide selection of choices
                                iii) easy to find anyway

Conclusion      :  I like Indian food the most because of the flavour,
                      wide selection of choices and easy to find anyway.

Linkers/Sequence     : first of all , besides, either way, in addition,
Connnectors used      in a nut shell .

     The food that I like the most is Indian food. There are many reasons. First of all, I like Indian food because of the flavour. The flavour for this food is always passionate and the variety set of spices makes the food well seasoned and aromatic. Those rich spices used makes my taste buds sit up and take notice. Besides, Indian food has wide selection of choices. I will never be left without an option for a good meal. Either way, I have choice of vegetarian meals or non vegetarian which is not something that we can find with other cultures that offer delicious food. In addition, these days there are many Indian food restaurants, so I will be able to find easily a restaurant in my area that serves Indian type of food.  In a nut shell, I like Indian food the most because of the flavour, wide selection of choices and easy to find anyway.


Topic             : Plagiarism among college students
Topic Sentence     :  Plagiarism among college student has many effects.
Supporting Details   :  i) interferes with learning
                                ii) damages credibility
                                iii) blocks opportunities

Conclusion       :  Plagiarism among college student brings a lot of effects
                          such as interferes with learning, damages credibility
                          and blocks opportunities.

Linkers/Sequence      : one of that is, other than that, not only that,
Connnectors used        typically, in conclusion

         Plagiarism among college student has many effects. One of that is, it interferes with learning. Plagiarism distorts the learning process.  Institutions of higher education are designed to promote critical and original thinking. By copying works and passing off someone else’s work for their own, the student diminishes their ability to learn and grow academically. Other than that, plagiarism damages credibility. Plagiarism downplays the credibility of a college or university. If students are not producing original ideas and works, the quality of education decreases and the college’s reputation is at risk. Not only that, plagiarism also blocks opportunities. Typically, the consequences of plagiarism in college include a failing grade, suspension or expulsion. A student who plagiarizes risks lowering his grade point average and ultimately limiting his educational opportunities in college. In conclusion, plagiarism among college student brings a lot of effects such as interferes with learning, damages credibility and blocks opportunities.

Monday, April 16, 2012

(UFS 211) TASK 6 : Common Mistakes In English

Most Common Mistakes 

A) No thesis

Explanation: As simple as it seems, most people often neglect the single most important sentence in the entire essay. A thesis is your basic argument — your "tag line." If you could sum up the debate in your essay in one sentence, this would be it: the thesis.

Fix: While there are always exceptions to the rule, it is advisable to place your thesis statement at the end of your introductory paragraph. It should consist of the general argument and the ways (evidence you plan to use) to prove it.

B) No conclusion

Explanation: People sometimes stop writing an essay before it ends. A summary (or denouement) is always required in essay writing.

Fix: Very simple. You do not need to add anything new (although you can) to this paragraph. Just add an extra small paragraph to the end of your paper summarizing what you have just said. Essentially your introductory paragraph more complex.

C) No evidence

Explanation: The evidence in essays is with documentation, research, quotations. An essay without evidence proves absolutely nothing and will become pure opinion. Evidence makes fact. Think of yourself as a lawyer and bringing in specific items to prove your point in a court of law.

Fix: Go to the library. Look on the internet. You must have at least one piece of evidence (quotation, paraphrased idea) from a book, article, documented source, for each idea you try to prove.

D) Misuse of commas

Explanation: People use commas in different ways. They are generally used in series of nouns and to separate to clauses in a sentence. If this confuses you, then seek out a grammar book or ask your professor/teacher for help.

Fix: Find a grammar book (we recommend STRUNK AND WHITE). Look through your essay purely for commas. If you are looking at your text for nothing more than commas, then you are sure to take out unnecessary commas and put in necessary ones.

E) Plagiarism

Explanation: Plagiarism is when you take another person's writing, fact, text, and use it as your own. Unfortunately, some students do this purposely, while others accidentally fall into the trap.

Fix: Always, always, always cite your facts! Document any quotation and all facts you use in your essays with either footnotes or internal documentation. Do not make the mistake of forgetting to cite information that you have paraphrased. Sometimes (with picky professors) this can be considered plagiarism, too.

F) Spelling errors/Types

Explanation: This is pretty self-explanatory. Often, people leave spelling mistakes in their essays (which can be typos, but not necessarily), and lose easy points.

Fix: Do not simply use your computer's spell-check feature, as it often overlooks words. Do a read-through of your essay just for spelling.

G) Lack of transitional phrases

Explanation: When new paragraphs begin, they always need a transition, or a sentence ending the previous idea and leading into the next.

Fix: Go through your essay and look at beginning of each paragraph. Read the paragraphs as independent mini-essays. If they make sense alone, they probably have a transition. If not, add just a simple sentence introducing the idea.

H) Lack of structure

Explanation: Essays, like buildings, need structure. They need a beginning, middle, and an end. In the middle, they need substance.

Fix: Create an outline for your essay. Follow it!

I) Repetition

Explanation: When an essay discusses the same idea in every single paragraph, it borders on boredom and repetition. The writer obviously has little to say (and probably has done little work).

Fix: Make sure each paragraph has a different focus. Use your outline to guide you.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Water pollution has become an issue of great concern in our society. The first causes of water pollution include sewage and nutrients from fertilizers being dumped into water. This causes a problem for all the organisms because the nutrients cause the algae and water plants to grow to abnormally large sizes and can eventually block waterways. As these nutrients decompose in the water, they use up oxygen which can harm all the organisms living in the environment. Besides, water pollution is also caused by foreign bacteria, viruses, and parasites. These harmful organisms get into the water from sewage that is not filtered correctly, storm drains, septic tanks and boats that dump sewage into the water. Consequently, it can cause sickness to humans, animals, and plants. The most common of these effects would be those to humans such as bacteria in drinking water. In addition, radioactive substances such as oil and heat also introduce the cause of water pollution. Basically, water pollution from oil is caused by such things as oil spills and drilling near a water ecosystem. This is a problem because obviously oil and radio active materials are harmful to the aquatic organisms. Heat is a pollution problem because a drastic change in temperature can be very harmful for water organisms. In a nut shell, sewage and nutrients from fertilizers ; foreign bacteria, viruses, and parasites; and also radioactive substances causes water pollution. Without a doubt, it is a huge problem in today’s society and we must try to help stop this enormous problem before it is too late.


- Water pollution has become an issue of great concern in our society.


I) The first causes of water pollution include sewage and nutrients from fertilizers being dumped into water.

II) Besides, water pollution is also caused by foreign bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

III) In addition, radioactive substances such as oil and heat also introduce the cause of water pollution.


- In a nut shell, sewage and nutrients from fertilizers ; foreign bacteria, viruses, and parasites; and also radioactive substances causes water pollution. Without a doubt, it is a huge problem in today’s society and we must try to help stop this enormous problem before it is too late.


- Besides
- Consequently
- In addition
- Basically
- In a nut shell

(UFS 211)TASK 4 : Topic Sentence/Supporting Sentence/Concluding sentence

Example of :-

A)Topic Sentence

i) There are many different kinds of footwear.

ii) There are many different ways of using eggs in cooking.

iii) My special treasure is a picture of my mother on her fifteenth birthday..

B) Supporting Sentence

i) - Sporting footwear includes: running spikes, climbing shoes and
football, ice skating and diving boots to name but a few.
- There is also footwear for differing types of weather e.g.
galoshes, snow shoes and sandals.
- In addition, fashion and culture have combined to influence
footwear design, bringing us the platform sole, clogs, the stiletto
heel and the moccasin.

ii) - They can be boiled lightly and eaten with toast.

- Hard boiled eggs are good for picnics, sandwiches or use in salads.
- Fried, poached and scrambled eggs are commonly eaten at breakfast,
while an omelette provides a light and nourishing meal at any time.

- For an exotic touch, eggs can be curried or used in sauces such as
mayonnaise and hollandaise sauce.

iii) - This picture is always in my house when I was growing up. Years later when I got married and moved to Montreal, my mother gave it to me so that I would always remember her.

- Now, it sits on my table next to my bed. I look at it and, imagine my mother’s life on that day. I think she was excited because her eyes are shining with happiness.

- Her smile is shy as if she were thinking about a secret. She is standing next to rose bush, and the roses are taller than she is. She is wearing a beautiful white lace dress and black shoes. Her hair is long and curly.

- She looks lovely in this peaceful place, and I feel calm when I gaze into her eyes at the end of my busy day

C) Concluding Sentence

i) Footwear has been designed to cater for all tastes and circumstances.

ii) There are few foods that are as nourishing and versatile as eggs.

iii) This picture of my mother is my most valuable possession.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

(UFS 211) TASK 3 : Stages of 'Writing Process'

There are 5 stages in 'writing process'

I) Pre - writing
--- The key to a great paper is planning. Before we write something, we need to figure out what we going to write about. At first, we must generate 'working thesis' or a main idea that we would like to explore and then start collecting information and ideas that relate to that idea.

II) Drafting
--- Once we had planned our idea, the next step is drafting, or writing. As we write keep referring to the notes and plan that we had determined in Stages I but do not afraid to change the plan when needed. During the drafting stage, we should concentrate on getting ideas on paper, organizing information logically, and developing topic with enough detail for audience and purpose.

III) Revising
--- Revise means literally to "re-see" or "re-look" at our writing. We must consider our writing from the audience's point of view. It focuses mainly on making our content clear for the readers.

IV) Editing
Editing focuses on making our documents meet the conversations of stands written English. We must check :grammar, sentence structure, word choice, punctuation, capitalization, spelling and document format.

V) Publishing
--- If we had written something, we must have intended for someone to read it.


Write down TWO(2) sentences for each type of sentence structure.

A) Simple Sentence

i) Bibie John goes to the library and studies everyday.
ii) Dayang waited for the train.

B) Compound Sentence

i) I tried to speak Spanish, and my friend try to speak English.
ii)Alejandro played football, so Gaga went shopping.

C) Complex Sentence

i)The teacher returned the homework after she noticed the error.
ii)Jannah and Yaya went to the movies after they finished studying.

D) Compound- Complex Sentence

i) Although i like to go camping, I have not had the time to go lately, and i have not found anyone to go with.

ii) Our parents decided that the movie was too violent , but we, who like to watch scary movies, thought that we were wrong.

Monday, February 20, 2012

(UFS 211)ACADEMIC READING & WRITING ( TASK 1 : What is Love to You? )

Love has a different meaning to everyone but to me, love is when the least little thing happens, you automatically think of that person. It is when that person brings out the best in you. Love means having strong feelings for someone that can be close friends, family or even someone in romantic relationship. It represents affection toward someone dear to your heart. Love ; loving someone through their flaws and all. Accepting and embracing each others differences and comprising with their offerings. Being in love is the connection u have with someone and feeling the same way they do; we would not have a problem fussing and fighting with them at times because we love them. In a nut shell, I would say that 'love' is not a feeling , but rather a choice. Sure ,we may feel love for someone, but if we are relying on that feeling of romantic love to get you through tough times. it is not going to work. Choosing to lov someone is sticking with them, supporting them. and sacrificing for them whether they always do or not. The feeling of love follows the actions of love. Love is when we would wait forever to be with them, but we would not want to spend one day without them in our life.